Bomak Machinery Manufacturing Ltd. Co. Adana was established in 1996 as a manufacturer and a contractor to provide machinery and equipment for domestic and international industrial companies in different sectors.
BOTANK (en.botank.com.tr) is the registered “Tank Fabrication” brand , BO-X (en.bo-x.com.tr) is the registered “Heat Exchanger” fabrication brand of BOMAK.
BOMAK has been approved by Ministery of Science and Technology of Turkey as the 129. Design Center of Turkey. BODESIGN (bodesign.com.tr/en) brand is registered for BOMAK Design Center.
BOVARES (bovares.com.tr/en) is the registered brand for BOMAK Vapor Recovery Systems.
BOMAK has successfully completed the installation, piping, tank and equipment fabrication projects for the leading companies of the world and Turkey (SIEMENS, SABIC, MEY DIAGEO, EON ENERJISA PETKİM, TEKFEN, CATERPILLAR, BP, BTC, HABAŞ, ZORLU, CENAL ENERGY, PEPSİ, AYGAZ, ERDEMİR GROUP, ENERJISA,AKSA ACYRLIC, ZIEMANN, MANTRAC,SISECAM, SASA etc.) since 1996.